Our Community…Our Futures
This photo essay explores the role of our local community in our everyday lives
During the COVID lockdowns, our world got smaller. Local businesses have been at the heart of our communities. We have relied on them like never before - to vaccinate us, to keep us supplied with the goods supermarkets could not obtain, and to keep our spirits up. Some have suffered economically, some have adapted, others have prospered. Where before we may have travelled, over the past two years we have been forced to eat, shop and work closer to home. This has brought us closer to those we live beside and closer as a community.
As life re-opens, this photo-essay seeks to recognise the role these businesses have played. It asks what will happen to that sense of localness and community.
These local micro businesses are vital not just to our local community, but also to the economic fabric of the UK. But behind the facade of the trendy cafes and retro shops there’s another - more hidden - side to this slice of London: one of people living on the edge, of waste markets and eking out a living.
This photo-essay comprises a series of portraits of local independent retailers around Haggerston and Kingsland Road, Hackney, E8 taken between March and May 2022. It also asks the local business people “How do you feel about the future?” It’s therefore an opportunity to reflect on the past and look to the future.
By doing so, it invites the viewer to reflect on their own views of the future. Whilst the focus is local, it addresses what we might learn about the state of the nation.
I am grateful to everyone who has participated in this project - and grateful, too, for all that you do for our community.
"People are more health conscious. But people are also more impatient."
"Positive - people have definitely read more. People value community more."
"Unpredictable. Bleak."
"My future won't be here - it will definitely be in the music industry."
"I want to educate young people about life through drumming - it's a powerful way to keep the future."
"You have to stay positive and hope it's getting better, wishing for the best."
"Connection, collaboration and community - this came across in the last two and a half years - it's something to practice forever."
"It's hard to be optimistic. But I'm hopeful - it's the only thing you can do."